August 30, 2007

Oliver is in Critical Condition

Oliver, my car, a car that survived a 16,000 mile road trip across the United States, was critically injured today on my commute home. We were rear-ended. I still have a mild headache several hours later but Oliver can no longer close his trunk and has lost the use of all rear-lights. It is a pretty significant injury. I have to report the accident tomorrow to the assailant's insurance company and then I guess find out if Oliver can be saved after they come out and take a look. In all fairness the person driving the other car, while totally at fault, was very shaken and contrite. It doesn't help Oliver but I was courteous and really don't really feel that bad, considering how much I love that car.

August 26, 2007

Class is in Session

Well the 'Summer of Joseph' has again come to a close and the hectic school schedule will begin. Organization and time management will be of top priority since I'll also be taking two grad classes, volunteering with World Relief by helping a Burmese family, taping the football games on Friday nights, and trying to keep a training / exercise schedule.

Some things that I'm looking forward to (besides school starting):
1. My sister's wedding next weekend
2. Building houses in Louisiana over Spring Break
3. Traveling to Ghana next summer

August 11, 2007

Summer Flowers

I carved out a little spot in the dirt and scattered some seeds this summer. These are some of the fruits of my labors.