January 28, 2007

I guess this isn't a surprise...

Who does the computer tell you to vote for? Here are my results...

Your results for "Presidential Candidate Selector -- 2008 Front Runners"

URL: http://SelectSmart.com/plus/select.php?url=08frontrunners

Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(96%) 2: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(95%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(91%) 4: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(87%) 5: Sen. John Kerry (D) Information
(82%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(80%) 7: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(77%) 8: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(76%) 9: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Information
(75%) 10: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(70%) 11: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(59%) 12: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(55%) 13: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(48%) 14: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(46%) 15: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(46%) 16: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(36%) 17: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(34%) 18: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(31%) 19: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(27%) 20: Sen. George Allen (R) Information
(25%) 21: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(25%) 22: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(23%) 23: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(11%) 24: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.