In an effort to make all weekend nights as fun as possible, yesterday night...
I totally fixed a toilet.
That's right, a toilet: mineral deposits and all.
It took longer than it should have because the pipe that connects the water to the tank came a little loose while I was replacing the flapper valve which caused leak number 1.
Number 1?
Yes, if you have to number the leaks, you have more than one.
For some idiotic reason, after I took the flapper valve out and installed the new one, I forgot to replace the gasket over the locknut. That is a colossal mistake.
Upon first practice flush, the entire contents of the tank found their way onto the bathroom floor. Leak #2. If you call a sudden gush of a gallon of water a leak.
At least I didn't crack the porcelain, right dad?
So the tank comes back off and the gasket gets installed. And now?
The house is quiet again,
and the toilet isn't running.
Of course, with the 10 inches of snow that were dumped on us, I'm not running either. Har-har.