Fri. April 22nd at 12:45 pm
Mfog1 and I met at the Pigeon river HQS. We told the nice, little old lady of our plans and filled out a free camp permit. When we told her of our plans her response was, "Oh my,you know we're supposed to get snow." We replied that we knew of this and went on our way. We got a little turned around, trying to find Pine Grove SFCG and we were on a pretty bad two track.
I followed Mfog's Explorer in my little Miata and could go no futher. So, we turned around and back tracked to the sign and took the correct fork in the road this time. Finally, we made it to the campground where we'd leave Mfog's Explorer and this would also be our end point of the trip. Now we had to drive over to our starting point at Clear lk.S.P. No problem,right? Wrong.
The first road we tried to take was in bad shape and we were finally stopped by water across the road. We turned around and went futher south until we came to Clark Bridge Rd. This road turned out to be slightlty better and we made it over to Clear Lk by 3:00pm. This was only an hour later than planned. We parked the car by the office and off we went. Weather was perfect 55 deg. and partly sunny. time 3:15 We hiked at a good pace and arrived at Big Tomahawk lk.flooding by 6:00 pm. and 9miles. Next we were to hike to Shoepac lk. where we'd meet the others arriving later that evening.
We arrived at what we thought was Shoepac Lk.SFCG time 6:45pm We found a nice site and set up our tents, then had dinner. Now, all we had to do is wait for the others to arrive, and wait and wait? Well, We got a little confused and didn't double check the map and ended up camping at Tomahawk lk. camp ground which is only 1 mile from Shoepac lk. SFCG So, We never met with the others Fri. night as planned? Days mileage 11
Saturday, morning I awoke at 6:00am but didn't crawl out till 8:00. There was a light dusting of snow. On the way out of the C.G. is when we discovered we'd camped in the wrong spot. We then high tailed it over to Shoepac lk. Arrived at 9:30am When we arrived at Shoepac lk., a quick check revealed no one was there. So, we decided to wait an hour, but left after a 1/2 hr. About a 1/2 mile road walk we came to the boat launch and Toolman's Jeep!! I left a note,telling them of our plans, then down the trail we went. After a while on the trail we noticed tracks ahead of us, we figured it had to be them hiking just ahead of us!
We crossed M-33 and then Canada creek and still no sign of them. Finally, at the Black river bridge, we caught up with them. We exchanged greetings and talked for maybe a 1/2 hr. Too our disappointment we learned they would not be continuing on with us and finishing the hike. Craig, had some nasty blister's on both heals and didn't want to continue. Time was approx. 2:30-3:00pm. Weather/cloudy 38deg. with periods of freezing rain. So, onward the two of us went. The plan was to camp in the Duby lk.area,which was still 6 miles distant. Finally,around 6:00pm we came to Milligan creek, where we got water from.
Next, we hiked approx. a 1/2 mile past Duby lk. spur junction and set up camp. Days mileage 15 We were so tired, I don't think we said three words to each other, we just set up our tents and hit the sack. time approx. 7:30pm About 8:00 pm it started to snow and didn't stop until 4:00am. Sunday morning. I had to get up around 2:00am and go nock the snow off the lower walls, as the snow was pileing up on top of my tent, causing the walls to come inward.
Sunday: Mfog woke at 6:00am and built a fire, then rousted me. Total accum. 4-5inches. We hit the trail by 7:00am with me breaking trail the entire way. The trail had many small blow downs and a lot of water too. Weather/ periods of snow/30 deg. The days hike was tough for me, my feet and hands were soacked and my calfs hurt as well. The last 4 miles was a sheer test of will for me. We arrived at Pine Grove SFCG and the Explorer by 12:30pm. Days mileage 11 All the roads leading back to Clear lk.and my car were snow covered, muddy and had many blown down trees partly blocking the roads. At one point I had to get out and break away branches to clear the way through! Finally, we arrived at Clear lk S.P. time approx. 1:45-2:00 pm This was a great trip, Altough a bit exhausting for me. My only regret's are not being at Shoepac lk., Friday night to meet the guys and not completing the hike together with them.