Today in the paper I read a story about some unscrupulous people that have been selling cadavers for medical purposes. However, they have been fibbing the numbers, so to speak, because instead of selling otherwise "healthy" bodies for tissue transplants they have been selling old, diseased ones and changing the death certificates on the cause-of-the-death line from "liver cancer" to "heart attack". Now people that are wanting tissue transplants(?) wanting to get better are getting sicker because of the implant of diseased tissues.
Here's the kicker: a lady is suing the company because she claims that she got a STD from the tissue transplant. I'm not saying that she's lying but it seems like a little blame shifting is in order in this case. What a great excuse. I don't sleep around; I just used some bad tissues.
Is it possible to sue someone for giving you STDs if you knowingly engage in behavior with them, in the bedroom, in surgery, or otherwise? This could be an important precedent in these decedent times.