March 27, 2005


Friendships crumble while new possibilities surface. I ran into Stephanie at Barnes and Noble yesterday, she seems to be doing better after a bout with several things best left unsaid in the blog realm. We're going to get coffee next week sometime - we are both impulsive and the idea to setting up an "occassion" doesn't sit well with either of us. New Eric and I talked yesterday. He was driving down to Indy so he couldn't come out to Hank's with the Saturday Night Club. Speaking of, everyone was out of their shell and the crowd was larger than usual - it was one of those moments that you see nf the season finale of sitcoms - everyone ends up at a location and there are plenty of laughs, private conversations, and singalongs. Lots of Indigo Girls and REM. My friend Eric from the Barnes is leaving to hike the Appalachian Trail on Saturday - it was nice to see him before he leaves: though he may have a going away party on Thursday. He had a nice write up in Sunday's paper about his trip. I ran into Photog Sarah again - we are going to get together sometime soon and she's going to teach me how to use my camera for my trip instead of just relying on the automatic functions.

Hearing: I'm Wide Awake It's Morning by Bright Eyes
Reading: Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Finishing: Peace Corps Application