Maybe this posting stuff will turn into a regular thing again.
Today was an absolutely relaxing day. I'm not sure I would have had this kind of day if I hadn't gone on my trip. Being at peace doing nothing, yet feeling accomplished because I'm enjoying life. My parents and I have started eating breakfast every Sunday morning together. It still feels very novel, but I think we are cherishing our time together before I head off to the Peace Corps - my sister even comes. Today was no different, plenty of laughs and great food. Common experiences.
I hung around the house and continued to store all of my music on my external hard drive so I can finally get rid of all of these cd cases. I sorted papers, started organizing pictures from my trip, and began a new book. At 7:00, I met Amanda and Steve at Cinema Center Tech for screening of the Manhattan Film Festival. Most of them were absolutely awful, an offering of artistic after school specials. Many were so bad that I just wanted to scream, literally scream, loudly in the theater. My mouth was actually open in disgust for at least two of them, and once I actually audibly scoffed at the piece. Is this really the best we can do? Two good shorts did emerge though.
"Crickets" is from Isreal and it's about a man who's parents are blown up in a suicide attack. To deal with the trauma, he begins betting on which buses in which cities will be blown up next. He of course is excellent at predicting, but then the peace process begins and he has to deal with the pain himself which almost paralyzes him. The last scene shows him sitting of the floor of his apartment building a bomb.
"Everything Goes" is from Australia and is based on a Raymond Carver story. Man becomes divorced. Man sells all belongings. Couple stop at yard sale. The three spend the day drinking. Man and girl dance around the yard while boyfriend sleeps on sofa. The couple buys most man's belongings. The girl never forgets the moment.
I voted for "Crickets" even though I probably preferred the latter because it was an original idea. Fort Wayne has had a bit of luck lately - Tony Hawk came to check out our skate park unannounced last week and many of my students were able to meet him and now the Cinema Center scores a film fest. Just when I thought this town didn't stand a chance...
Hearing: Jazz on NPR
Reading: Taking it Home: Stories from the Neighborhood by Tony Ardizzone