Well, I did it. After not training well for months and months, I finished the Chicago marathon. I've never read David Foster Wallace's "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" but I'm sure marathoning is included.
However, for a free t-shirt and hat, I've registered for the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon on 5-6-07. I'll blog more about the race when I'm not so exhausted. Yep, 36 hours later, and I'm still exhausted.
On a similar note, I saw King Lear at the Goodman Downtown. It is a marathon in itself, clocking in at three and a half hours. The acting was incredible (except for Goneril, who was truly bad) but the director made some "interesting" (read: political, unfocused) choices that ultimately made the play unsatisfying. I'm glad I went; I always love the theater, but I can't recommend the show.