October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat

It's interesting, this Holiday. A day when all rules are thrown out the window and kids are allowed to wander the streets to knock on unknown neighbor's doors to take candy.

I sat on the porch and passed out treats tonight. K and I don't have a prime candy-passing location so I only saw a few kids in the hour or so that I was outside. It was a brisk night but I sat and waited, eating hot clam chowder, drinking an RC, and reading the Economist to pass the time. Eventually K came home from work and we went upstairs to watch reruns and enjoy each other's company. We left the carved pumpkins on the porch and a tupperware full of candy. Every half hour or so I would go downstairs to top it off. It felt nice, grown-up even, to sit on the porch, listening for costumed kids to come up the sidewalk and to eat a nice warm meal on my front steps.

I didn't really remember how much work carving pumpkins was but K and I did it. I'll try to post some pictures of our creations in the upcoming days.