August 6, 2010

Summer Project #1: The Garden

Here's the far garden.  New raised beds this year.  The cucumbers are taking over the yard on the left, the squash (acorn and butternut) are wandering in the yard to the right.  The tomatoes (celebrity and beef) are about six feet tall and producing like mad.  The okra and sweet peppers are a bit small, but the sunflowers are going gangbusters and are over eight feet tall.  The green onions are done for the season and the eggplant are still getting started.

A closer shot of the back garden.

Side view.

And this is the near garden.  Over head shot from the deck.  I got plenty of radishes, lettuce, and kohlrabi earlier in the season but never got around to taking a picture.  This is tomatoes (juliet and roma), hot peppers, okra, brussel sprouts, and zucchini.

Another shot of the near garden.

View of Brussel Sprouts and Roma tomatoes.