Two days ago, as I was leaving school, the brakes fell off my car.
I was leaving the parking lot and pulled up to the stop sign. Suddenly, it felt like I had hit a refrigerator and sounded like I was pulling it behind me. I pulled the car over, checked underneath, and found nothing. I put the car in reverse, because I thought it might be the transmission, and backed all the way to my parking spot. I checked again- nothing under the car- but the otherwise "sporty" neon felt like it was pushing a buffalo when it was in drive.
I called my dad. He came over from work, drove the car, and had me stand outside to see if I could locate the noise. The only sound I heard was the value of the car crashing to zero. A tow truck took the car to Fox & Fox. I figured that was the last of the car and began figuring out ways to get to Chicago and back on a regular, if not as frequent, basis.
I got a call the next day from my dad saying Fox & Fox had called and said the brakes had fallen off of their brackets. Can brakes just fall off? Thank goodness it happened on at the school parking lot and not the highway. For $250, they fixed me up and now I'm back on the road. I'm not sure I would have paid more than that to get a '95 Neon back.