March 6, 2006

Let the Experiment Begin!

It's funny to see the kind of reactions that people have to riding my bike around town. I've decided not to get my car fixed and rely solely on my own feet and public transportation in a city that hates bikers and has little tolerance for car-pooling but at least it will make for interesting blog entries.

Most people bug their eyes out and wait a second to see if I'm seriously going to give up my car. The one mile bike ride to school today was a little chilly and my glasses had a coating of ice on them from the snow but I arrived at about the same time as if I had a car and had to sit through red lights - there are always red lights.

At this point, the few weeks before my move to Chicago I really don't need to go anywhere. I've become rather insular. The only thing I'll need help with it getting to Waterloo to catch the train to Chicago unless I borrow or rent a car and getting to my meetings for my trip to Europe this summer. Both of which I think are manageable.


I've become completely addicted to - it's a free chess site but instead of playing your opponent in real time you make a move then your opponent has 3 days or so to mull over the board before he responds. I like the quaintness of it - like when people used to play chess by mail with their friends. Maybe it's because I'm playing my cousin.