April 10, 2006

I Wish I Knew How to Quit You

After a great beginning portion to my Spring Break in Chicago, K and I ventured SW to help her grandma move and to pick up my car. The carless experiment is over. After a $300 drop for a new starter, I reclaimed my car. My first stop: Target. About 15 miles down the road, the "Check Engine" light begins blinking. Using my excellent mechanic knowledge, I deduce a plan of action. I'll call its bluff. I've known people that have driven with that light on before, it'll stop, I tell myself. Besides, if it doesn't stop, I'm screwed.

Well, the Neon carries us around Ottawa and back to Chicago safely. On the drive back to Fort Wayne, I stopped to get gas. Shortly afterward the "Check Engine" light turns off. The possibilities:

1) The engine was rejecting the transplant of a new starter.
2) The car was allergic to old gas.
3) The car realized that I didn't care.
4) The car is still in dire straits but the "Check Engine" light is now also broken.